
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Prayer for the Lost and Broken

There are times when my heart just aches. It aches for the people I love who are so lost within themselves and can't see any light at all, let alone one at the end of a tunnel. These past few weeks have seen much of this pain. When people you love and long to see succeed find themselves falling into a great abyss it is hard to witness. It is hard to know what to do. 

When people who don't know the Lord are in despair it can be an ideal moment for the Lord to open their hearts to finally understand the message that they have long been blinded to. But sometimes, as the believer, I find myself at a loss as to what to say to them. I want so badly for them to believe, finally, in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and to understand His peace and power; because, I truly don't know HOW people live without Him. 

I know as I pray these things for the people I know that are struggling it is with a humble heart. I pray for them not because I am better but because I have been there. These struggles they face are common to man and yet it makes them no less hard or heart-breaking. I pray because Jesus has saved me. He has changed me from my former ways and put me solidly on His rock, without which I would surely fail. 

I want to reach out, hold them and tell them of Jesus' love for them and that if they would just believe then they could be fully rescued from the life they are living that most certainly leads to death. But there are no guarantees of immediate relief from earthly circumstances. When you are so deep in the forest that you can't see the trees it usually takes something miraculous to bring you out. Jesus is assuredly that salvation. 

But what do I say? I have spent so many of my days trying not to preach at people (for that was always the thing that drove me from God the fastest) but how else to I comfort an unbeliever? I know that Jesus is the only way out of their present circumstances and out of a life that will lead to the ultimate destruction. And so I pray, passionately though I feel helpless, for I know it is in God's hands alone. 

Draw them to you God. Use these trials to break them of any notion that they can do this on their own. Save them Jesus. Save them as you saved me. Please don't allow them to be snatched by the devil. I cry out to you Lord. You know who they are. May I not be afraid to speak boldly any word you may have me speak to them on your behalf and close my mouth from speaking any undue word. May they see only you in me. Amen.

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