
Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Siren Song of Sin

I have a confession to make. I am a Christian smoker. I have stood outside the church parking lot attempting to hide my billowing cloud of smoke from those who are walking by annoyed at the fact that they may be judging me. 

Today's sermon (shout out here to my pastor, Dave Morris, of Hillside Christian Fellowship) was about freedom from sin. In his sermon Pastor Dave waxed beautifully about the power of fasting in a way I had never comprehended. Now, don't get me wrong, I have fasted more in the last few years than at any point in my life and I have found it profoundly beneficial. What struck me most today was his parallel that he drew to the concept of denying the flesh during fasting and the practice that it brings us in our lives for denying our flesh when it comes to other sins. Pastor Dave always inspires me, but today I sat there up until that point thinking about how I already knew the power of what he was saying about fasting. Then it struck me........
I may already know why fasting can be so beneficial when I have a decision to make or something, but I know of a way that my flesh is being fed every day. I am giving in to nicotine. Follow me here....... I have quit for periods of time, but never in my thought process had it crossed my mind that smoking was a way for the devil to help me "practice" giving in to temptation. By not having the "willpower" to permanently stop smoking I am setting myself up for failure. I am ingraining in my consciousness the belief that I cannot abstain from temptation. This is a bad thing. A true thing, but bad none-the-less. I ALONE cannot truly resist temptation. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit living in me thanks to my Jesus' sacrifice that I am able to do ANY  good thing, including resisting the siren song of sin. 

I do not regularly fast, but today I had a thought. What if the sacrifice of my flesh could be abstaining from smoking? Could I worship God and seek to strengthen my spiritual muscles by quitting smoking for good? I am already doubting my ability to do this, even as it is after 9pm and I have not smoked all day. That is where prayer comes in. NO WAY can I do this on my own. But what if I tried to honor God by not smoking? This had never occurred to me! That every time I deny my desire for a sweet long drag of a cigarette (See the craving kick in? My mouth is watering!) I am showing God how much more important honoring him is and by conquering this demon, with his help, I will be able to do more in the way of "sin-resistance". 

Is there some mundane thing in your life that, even knowing it is "wrong", you give in to? It could be fast could be could be too much reality television.....whatever it is for you (and I'm sure you have one!) consider the idea of "fasting" from it in order to honor the Lord. Consider not watching your favorite show to be an act of worship, strengthening your powers of resistance. I know, for myself, that I will need prayer for this. I would love you hear from you about what you think you could fast from. I promise to pray for your time if you share with me. And think of me in your prayers as well, if you would........I want to smoke really bad right now.

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